We are looking forward to many great presentations this year! Remember, the standard presentations time slot is 20 minutes, 15 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions and room change.

To upload your presentation prior to arriving at the conference you will receive a personalized link (do not share your link with others) in mid- to late July.

To ensure your presentation is loaded onto the correct meeting laptop please use the following format for your filename. Day_Room_Time_FirstName_LastName.ppt. Time should be in 24-hour format. Only PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file extensions will be accepted.

Example: Monday_201A_1420_Jane_Doe.pptx

If you do not upload your presentation using your personalized link, you must upload your presentation in the AV Loading room at least one day prior to your scheduled presentation. Please note that Monday presenters must upload their presentations on Sunday.

Additional information about the conference and your presentation:

  • As a precaution, please plan to have a copy of your presentation on a thumb-drive.
  • Each room will be provided with: LCD Projector (1024×768), Laptop with pre-loaded oral presentation files, Projection Screen, Laser Pointer, Podium Microphone, and PCDI for Computer Audio
  • Moderators are instructed to strictly adhere to the time schedule. For a 20-minute time slot, presenters will have 15 minutes to present with the remaining 5 minutes allocated to questions and room change. Moderators are responsible for ensuring that presentations start and end on time (plan to run your own stopwatch and bring your own time cards, if you like). Moderators may continue accepting questions for a speaker during the room change period.
  • You cannot use your personal laptop.
  • Loading presentations will not be allowed in the presentation room
  • Presentations must be Microsoft, PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf ) files.

Here is a great resource from the AFS Fish Culture Section to help you with your presentation: check out Power Pointers: Tips and Tricks to Create Effective Presentations Tutorial

Presentation Sharing and Permissions

In today’s age of social media, the Program Committee would like to share some wise advice from Julie Claussen, President-Elect of the AFS Science Communications Section, to keep in mind when preparing your presentation. Julie notes, “I am seeing permission slides more and more at conferences – Sharing presentation information on Social Media is welcome by some, and not by others.  Attached are two slides that all speakers can use to express whether they do or do not want people in the audience to take photos or post photos from their talk, and to convey how to credit or tag those photos if they are OK with posting photos.”

Link to download Julie’s sample permission slides: Authors Permission Slides